On The Implications Of Causality In Mental Trauma

Today I would like to discuss a matter of great importance regarding the brain, and give a modest proposal about how this matter could be understood in a scientific manner. I give warning at the outset that this entry is likely to be troubling to many people, so if you are squeamish, I suggest at this point that you go elsewhere. For those who are willing to delve into the implications of the causality of mental trauma, you have been warned.

The Bible is very strict on providing the death penalty for crimes such as kidnapping, rape, and incest. For example, Exodus 21:16 tells us: “He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death.” Likewise, Leviticus 18 describes in vivid detail the boundaries of incest that are forbidden for godly people to cross—including half-siblings, nephews and nieces, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. This chapter (and plenty of others) also condemn with the death penalty the practice of homosexual sex, and this passage also gives the death penalty to bestiality. Leviticus 19:29 commands: “Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness.” And like these other sins, the Bible places the death penalty on rape, with generous assumptions (for the victim) about the assumption of rape (see Deuteronomy 22:25-27).

Many people think that the death penalty is so common for these sins because the Bible is some sort of overly harsh and condemnatory and barbaric document. But they are capable of a vastly more charitable construction that may, in fact, be scientifically demonstrated if someone is so inclined as to research the matter in a longitudinal study. If it can be shown that traumatic events or sexual sins have an effect on brain activity, then we can determine physical repercussions to sinful behavior, and therefore demonstrate the cause of such problems. In fact, if one can spot the effects of such trauma as child abuse, rape, or incest on a child, and then notice later “second-order” effects on the brain like homosexual activity and pornography, or drug or alcohol abuse, that often result from such sins, then it may be possible to provide the chain of brain activity leading from original innocence to a very corrupt state (a corrupt state that is, lamentably, all too common in this world).

Let us therefore propose a longitudinal study for the brave neurologist. Let us take a large enough sample of newborn babies (say, 1,000) whose parents have given permission for periodic (say, once every six months for the first eighteen years of their life) scans of brain activity. If certain behaviors are “hard wired” into the brain, then we might expect the scans of those newborns to show marked differences. However, if it is traumatic events or sinful behavior that change the structure of brain activity, we should expect to see that as well. Given that an average of 1 out of every 4 or 5 children is sexually abused in the United States, we should expect that at least 200 to 250 children would show changed brain activity as a result of that horrible trauma during the course of their childhood. We should also witness during their childhood and teenage years the brain effects of sexual and chemical experimentation, if indeed (as we would expect) that it is behavior and actions that wire the brain.

The political and moral implications of such a study would be immense. For one, if it could be shown, with hard data, that it was rape and abuse that caused a significant portion of the scourge of homosexuality, drug and alcohol abuse, and pornography, then there would be significant cause to increase the punishments on child abuse and on rape in general, given its effects on the brain. We might also then combine treatment of drug and alcohol abuse with other counseling that dealt with the original causes of such abuse, and that dealt with the whole family (since it is usually in dysfunctional family situations where such behavior occurs in the first place). Additionally, if it could be shown that sexual abuse was the cause of a great deal of the sexual sins of our society, we might be less inclined to “blame the victim” and more inclined to seek the deeper causes of our society’s moral decay in the abuse of the helpless and innocent, even if we find that behavior is the cause of brain changes, rather than the result.

Either way, causality is important. If we can show that brain changes result from actions, we might have a better idea of when and how such behavior results. We might find that some actions (in particular, a great deal of addictions) are second-order problems, the attempts to self-medicate an existing mental disorder, and we might therefore work back from the present to deal with both the existing “crises” of behavior and the underlying causes of those behaviors. We might additionally give much harder criminal penalties (including the death penalty) for those actions on the part of others that are so traumatic in the first place and cause such terrible damage within the brain. Whatever the results of the study, we would have proof of the effect of behavior over the long term within the brain, and then be able to act accordingly with knowledge on those actions that caused a loss of mental health.

Nor does this exhaust the worthwhile implications of such research. A longitudinal research project on people who are in therapy should be able to determine if therapy is successful. That is to say, if therapy works, we should expect to see evidence of it working in the healthy and “normal” brain function of people who have gone through treatment. Likewise, we should be able to see those addicted to prescriptions show the brain functions of addicts—and likewise shy away from over-medication of mental health issues as has been the habit. Again, the possibility exists that mental health treatments may be testable in an empirical fashion, showing either the tendency to encourage or induce substance abuse, the effectiveness of treatments, or something else entirely. Whatever happens, though, it may be possible already, within current technology, to determine the success or failure of counseling through changed brain activity over a period of time, should anyone be so inclined to test it.

This suggests that what has hitherto been an almost “magical” aspect of health, mental health, can enter the realm of hard science and leave behind unprofitable speculations through the development of real accountability for treatment decisions. Likewise, the fact that it should be possible to test the longitudinal results of trauma and the development of the brain’s pathways through behavior suggests that political disputes over the homosexual agenda can be tested by hard science, with all the political implications of such a test. Those who claim to be the representatives of science ought to relish such a challenge. Are there any takers?

About nathanalbright

I'm a person with diverse interests who loves to read. If you want to know something about me, just ask.
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63 Responses to On The Implications Of Causality In Mental Trauma

  1. Richard says:

    Severe psychological trauma causes impairment of the neuroendocrine systems in the
    body. Extreme stress triggers the fight or flight survival response, which activates the
    sympathetic and suppresses the parasympathetic nervous system. Fight or flight
    responses increase cortisol levels in the central nervous system, which enables the
    individual to take action to survive (either dissociation, hyperarousal or both), but which
    at extreme levels can cause alterations in brain development and destruction of brain
    Severe trauma in early childhood affects all domains of development, including
    cognitive, social, emotional, physical, psychological and moral development. The
    pervasive negative effects of early trauma result in significantly higher levels of
    behavioral and emotional problems among abused children than nonabused
    In addition, children exposed to early trauma due to abuse or neglect lag behind in
    school readiness and school performance, they have diminished cognitive abilities, and
    many go on to develop substance abuse problems, health problems and serious mental
    health disorders. Serious emotional and behavioral difficulties include depression,
    anxiety, aggression, conduct disorder, sexualized behavior, eating disorders,
    somatization and substance abuse. Early childhood trauma contributes to negative
    outcomes in adolescence, including dropping out of school, substance abuse, and early
    sexual activity, increasing the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, early
    pregnancies and premature parenting. Early childhood trauma contributes to adverse
    adult outcomes as well, including depression, posttraumatic
    stress disorder, substance abuse, health problems (likely related to increased stress and wear and tear on the immune system) and decreased occupational attainment (Harris, Putnam & Fairbank,

    Click to access DMH-CAFU_Psychological_Trauma_Moroz.pdf

    • Exactly. Thankfully not all of those bad things have happened to me, but enough of them have.

      • Richard says:

        I can second that, and your article really is an eye opener in that it does show that much of what is currently accepted as “mental illness” is actually caused by emotional and physical abuse. Something that “can” be reversed whith education, awareness and empathy.

      • Indeed, it can be done, but it baffles me as to why it is not done. It would seem to be unpopular with both sides of the political divide. For one side of the political divide would seem to endorse parental tyranny over children without any kind of government regulations as well as gain political capital from insulting those with sexual sins and addictions, while the other side seeks to claim that their sins are the result of genetic programming and beyond their personal responsibility. Neither side appears to be particularly willing to hear about the tangled and complicated and sordidly unpleasant truth of the matter.

  2. Richard says:

    The Need for a Developmental, Mind Body Spirit
    Approach to Assessment and

    A developmental, mind body spirit approach to the clinical assessment and treatment of trauma in children is needed. This approach must be based on an understanding of

    1. the critical role of early relationship experiences, attachment and the development of affect regulation/ dys-regulation,

    2. the effects of trauma, including abuse, neglect and disruption of the attachment process, on the child’s developing brain and central nervous system, both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems,

    3. the transmission of trauma across generations and the need for trauma specific treatment for parents and children,

    4. the immediate and long term effects of stress overload on immune system functioning and the need for treatment that reduces neuro-physiological arousal and increases the individual’s ability to self soothe and self regulate,

    5. the effects of early trauma on character development,

    6. the relationship between childhood victimization and perpetration of violence and /or re-victimization,

    7. the effects of early trauma on the individual’s capacity to process sensory input, store memories, regulate emotions and organize thoughts, including the ability to use language to make sense of or integrate traumatic experiences,

    8. the storage of traumatic experiences in the body mind spirit of the individual and the need for treatment that restores wholeness of the body mind spirit, and

    9. the historical and collective impact of stored trauma on individuals, families and society as a whole, including the self perpetuating relationship between trauma, aggression and violence.

    Click to access DMH-CAFU_Psychological_Trauma_Moroz.pdf

    It appears there have been studies of this kind but the findings have not been widely distributed or simply ignored.

    • I’m glad there are studies of that case, but why have they been largely ignored? I mean, recently governments have taken steps to prevent spanking, so there is no lack of willingness among our governments to regulate the behavior of parents. Why would they not be willing to explore (even if they are not willing to fund) the consequences of abuse on families. Speaking from my own family background, I can trace sexual abuse, alcoholism, illegitimacy, and “abandonment” issues (including two deaths during the infancy of children from soldiers in war) going back at least six generations on both sides of the family. The cycle must be broken.

      • Richard says:

        Sad to report this but as it is, it is up to the individual to seek that which is true so as to reverse the damage done. What is needed is for someone to come up with and supply a radical and profound paradigm shift of the social conscious that will shake the very foundations of society that it will be impossible to ignore.

      • Perhaps the way to do so is to target those who have deep personal experience with such trauma themselves. Those who have the deepest hurt are those who can be most committed to change–there only needs someone to tell them and for the message to be available for them. The massive amount of people who have suffered horrible childhood trauma suggests that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, as is so often the case.

      • Richard says:

        In regards to the “spanking” issue, it is not parental disciplining that turns out a bad child-adult, it is the lack of it. Good Government needs to investigate more of Biblical principles as in “spare the rod and spoil the child suggests. We know there are some parents that go too far with the type of discipline they implement on their children but still this is not what creates an immoral and corrupt society as much as ignorance and the other types of abuse that takes place.

      • That is very true. The problem is not proper discipline. My point was that one “side” of the politics of Western civilization is certainly more than willing to micromanage parents, so why ignore the very salient question of abuse and trauma and its effects? There are several reasons–for one, such trauma often takes places in public schools, and is (tacitly) encouraged and “tolerated” by school administrations, as is the epidemic of medicating energetic children instead of finding some useful outlet for such energy, and for another the political implications of trauma being the cause of sexual deviancy and our society’s epidemic of addictions.

  3. cea2Richard says:

    RE: “Perhaps the way to do so is to target those who have deep personal experience with such trauma themselves. Those who have the deepest hurt are those who can be most committed to change–there only needs someone to tell them and for the message to be available for them”

    This is a huge problem as it can be believed that many of these whom you are speaking never really read and are too afraid to reach out for help. As a child I hade some faith training in side the Catholic fatih and it stayed with me to the time when I was about 21 when I needed it most. I was abandoned and ignored by family and friends to the point where I threw my arms up in the air and shouted to God “:where do we go from here”. This is where my life began to slowly change as it was from this point that I managed to crawl my way out of desparity. It has taken many years of tears and testing but I managed to raise a family of three wonderful children and have been with my wife for thirty years and now we are grandparents with two more grandchildren on the way. My point is that although I never remained involved with an organization of faith, I never abandoned the faith or never stopped believing and trusting God. I dare to say this, however, it must be said now. I can’t help but to think that the physical church’s role is not to prostilyze but to be there with open arms for those whom we speak need to be with God’s people, after which they learn and become mature in the Christ, it is then that they can go out into the world and minister. Too many people are too quick to minister and make disciples that they don’t realize that they have not been properly trained and are not yet mature enough to do the work of God in an effective manner. This is just one reason that religion is losing members and this sheds a dark shadow over the Lord as people evade such prostelytes.

    This form of making disciples is out of ministering and spreading the good news of the gosple as opposed to merely making members to fill the pews. This way also there may be a few more laborers prepared for the harvest. May God forgive me.

    • Well, any effort done to talk about these matters would not be to gain converts to any church, but rather to teach the truth in a specific and targeted way. I myself have always belonged to a formal church, but at the same time it is not my job to call people, but rather to set a godly example and to be willing to give an answer for my faith–which I do not hesitate to do. But it is my experience that many people who have suffered trauma are not so without spirit as to not desire a way out, it is just that many do not see it. Hopefully, if it is there, it may strike some at a time when they are willing and able to hear it. As it is, people who have suffered the deepest trauma are those who could gain the most from a way to recover, and they would be the most committed as well for the same reasons, and have the most compelling testimony to give to others.

  4. Joe says:

    Most of those who suffered an emotional trauma or physical abuse often have quite a lot of trouble believing there is a God in the first place. This is where a mature and discreet minister can make the difference as opposed to an over zelous convert bent on trying to save a person’s soul, and as the saying goes a “Bible thumper” recieves littkle respect or response from anyone. I know it says somewhere in scripture that we are to keep talking the truth even when “they” don’t want to hear it. However I don’t believe “they” means the lowley who are suffering as much as it means the leaders of all organizations, Governments and industry. .

    • I happen to agree. God often deliberately calls those who are thought base and humble to shame the mighty (see 1 Corinthians 1:26-31). Before we adopt an antagonistic “bible thumping” approach, one needs to know and understand who one is dealing with. One treats someone who is hurting and needs help far differently from someone who is self-righteous and hardened in sin. Sadly, many would-be moralists attack the victimized and give a blind pass to the wicked and exploitative leaders of industry.

  5. Joe says:

    In scripture there is a reference to a time when a person will not be able to find God. Can you inform me on that one and do you think it has anything to do with the ferverent religious no longer preaching from the pulpit or something else?

    • I think it means that people will look for the truth about God and not be able to find it because there will be no one left to speak the truth. Much of what is spoken by “fervent religious people” is of no help in finding the true God of scripture, sadly.

  6. Joe says:

    RE: “there will be no one left to speak the truth”
    Could this be the result of abusing or misunderstanding relativism?
    The term relative often refers to truth relativism, which is the doctrine that there are no absolute truths, i.e., that truth is always relative to some particular frame of reference, such as a language or a culture, and moral relativism may be any of several descriptive, meta-ethical, or normative positions. Each of them is concerned with the differences in moral judgments across different people and cultures:
    However when we speak of “that which is true” and in relation to the five physical senses all of which are shared by a species and humans being a species does share sight, sound taste, touch and smell.
    This C=ea2 when used in conjunction with the Carpenter’s Rule as being “true” suggests we are wasting our time searching for the “truth” when we should be acknowledging “that which is true”.
    What I mean is that as a species, who share equally these senses, it is easy to understand physical – emotional pain and suffering. It can be universally expressed, and, without language, universally understood, how some things are good for an emotional and physical being as humans are, and some things are not. Relativism has provided for us many grey areas and this is where the confusion is and spreads outward. Because of relativism, common sense has been “tossed out the window”, relatively speaking.
    So what are we supposed to be seeking, the truth which is veiled in relativism, or “that which is true’ and universally understood as concrete and measurable?
    If we continue with the paradigm supplied to us since the advent of relativism we risk losing any sense or respect of or for “common sense” as it indicates as common and shared by all who belong to a certain species. If we accept the “Carpenter’s Rule” as being “that which is true”, more people may be inclined to ask more questions of the ones suspected of trying to “pull the wool over our eyes”.
    If it doesn’t make sense to either that which is true or what we can infer from our senses acting collectively as mind, body, and spirit, then it most likely does not and therefore must not be true or “the truth”.
    Saying “yes” to common sense is something to consider, while sometimes rejecting what only “appears as relative.

    • What you ask is a deep philosophical question dealing with one of my favorite branches of philosophy, epistemology (the theory of knowledge). Relativism is only one of the two ditches that human efforts at understanding the universe fall into. The other is a narrow absolutism known as reductionism, in which one truth or one law is expected to explain all of creation, in which everything is seen through a very narrow filter. The problem is that mankind can either think in terms of one straight-jacket or many polytheist relativistic ways, but not in a way that gives proper credit both to unity and complexity under a common law but showing forth God’s gifts in many different ways.

  7. Joe says:

    If God is a God of order then wouldn’t this “order”, to be perfect requier only one law or rule? It has been said before that a theory is a great theory when it is seen a elegant in it’s simplicity. Well then God’s thesis, or theory so to speak must be elegant in its simplicity and threrefor consist of one simple and elegant law or rule from which all can understand both the complexity and the simplicity of His creation thus God is a Paradox being both simple and complex at the same time.

    If this is even to some degree inteligeble and agreeable then it gives credence to my theory of C=ea2 where it states that humans are a paradoxical species in that we are; “absurd and sensation based beings of implied essence and inference”.

    God made man in “His” image

    • The problem is that mankind, when it sees “unity” does not see it as unity under God’s law, rather mankind sees unity and wants to force everyone to behave one way, not realizing that God designed multiple perspectives on the world that all are to obey God’s law and fill different roles in society and in the Church. The unity that God’s law has in mind is a unity of will (namely, God’s will and not our own), as well as a unity of biblical law-abiding behavior, but a diversity of gifts. Some people are generous, some are cheerful, some are gloomy but perceptive and analytical, some are intuitive, some are outgoing, some are reflective, some are very organized, some are more spontaneously joyful. All of these qualities are “good” to God–so long as they are obedient to God’s ways and following His will. As human beings we tend to celebrate some of these gifts and demonize others. This is what I mean by the problem of the many and the one–God’s law is the “one,” our gifts from God in their infinite diversity and complexity and the ends to which we are called by God to put them are the “many.” There is no contradiction in God’s mind between the many and the one–the many all obey the same law and serve one will–namely God’s own. But when mankind attempts to set up man-made systems, we either have the many as relativistic systems without a common moral standard or as one way of doing things that is rigid and harsh, without honoring or respecting the diversity of God’s gifts of human personality. Either way, we fail.

  8. Joe says:

    RE: “But when mankind attempts to set up man-made systems, we either have the many as relativistic systems without a common moral standard or as one way of doing things that is rigid and harsh”

    I agree that man-made systems usualy go one way or the other and we can understand the prescription of anti-psychotic medication in the wording itself speaks of something against the personality even the soul as of course “anti” means “against” and psychotic is derived from “psyche” which means soul. Used together this way they actually mean “anti-personality”.

    Its not a hard stretch to see and understand how these synthesized medications dull the personailty of people and in many ways make people the same and that is basicall without a vibrant personality.

    RE: “God designed multiple perspectives”

    I can’t help but to think that God intends for humans to view the world at different times through the lens of these “different perspectives” in argument against a single perspective being the property of just one “type of person” as this sounds like Astrology and may be confused with what is known as “gifts” which are actually a person’s passion. It is the passion that leads the soul and anti-psychotic medication and even some cognitive therapies dull the passion of many individuals.
    A passionate person is a driven person and a driven person often is a confidant person. This is the recipe for success, success in life and success in pleasing God by appreciating your passion which is recogniziung and appreciating your “gift”.

    A paradoxical being can experience all of what you mentioned in your last entry but we all have diverse passions that drive us to com[plete a task and again medication and learned behavior (cognitive behavioral therapy) can rob us of our individuality and diverse moods, emotions and passion or gift.

    • Very true. I do believe that many people desire to deal with robots and automatons rather than passionate and feeling human beings. We were given our reason and self-discipline to govern ourselves, but our passion is what gives us the divine fire to complete the tasks we were put on this earth to do. We need both reason and emotion to be the people God designed us to be–reason and emotion dedicated to the same goals and with one purpose uniting them together in harmony and balance. All too often modern medicine has sought to engage in emotional lobotomization to rid mankind of its feelings and to quench the fire that was placed inside of us by our creator. Such sorcerers will have much to answer for in judgment.

      • Joe says:

        RE: “We were given our reason and self-discipline to govern ourselves,”

        Isn’t that being autonomous?

      • What do you mean by autonomous? If you mean that we are responsible for governing ourselves under God’s law and that we are accountable to God, then I would agree with you. If you mean that we have the freedom to adopt our own standards of law (autonomous literally means self-law, which I am opposed to), then I would say that is following in the sin of Adam & Eve at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and rebelling against the authority of God.

      • Joe says:

        The meaning of autonomy in my research is where I mean to impress upon a person the importance of being an individual and being able to stand alone when the time comes. It has to do with gaining confidance to move forward. Remeber that my work began as a response to my concern for my own children’s emotional well-being (anxiety concerns).

        Current explanations of scripture and the shadowy reputation of the mental health industry did not satisfy me with the answers that I felt I needed so this is why I dug in so deep to gain more knowledge as opposed to being spoon-fed by other “men”. I grew up in a way that did not allow me the ability to trust anyone. The first twelve years of my research consisted mainly of metaphysics and world religions. I have been seeking the “truth” for many years and it has led me to where now I only seek “that which is true”.

        I never encourage or advise anyone to become contentious or rebellious towards what can be understood as righteous or proper authority. Autonomy in this research means to be able to stand alone when and if one must. This to me also is “maturity, courage, and strength.

        If you like I could show you something that I wrote a long time ago which I have titled “Authority Principles” and in it I explain that when a person is “able” to recognise true authority then one should “comply and not contend”.

        Another part of Authority Principles states that when we can recognise and respect the position more so than focusing on the person, then we can learn and gain a true respect for authority. Having this ability can and does make all relationships that much more “less stressful”.

        In conclusion I would have to say that I borrowed the term or adopted the term “autonomy” to help explain the need for us to recognise, and appreciate that we are after all is said and done, individuals. This way it has nothing to do with making a law unto ones self to show a person as being “lawless”. In contrast it allows a person to recognise “and” appreciate authority without feeling “oppressed”.

        In today’s world this research enables a person to live within the constraints of the many man-made systems without being adversely or negatively affected by them, this is kind of like seeing one’s self more as complying rather than conforming.

        If you see any of this as being against God’s law or plan then please inform me and bring me up to the light so I don’t continue on a useless path.

      • No, I don’t see that as being against God’s scriptures, but I would tend to use use other words besides autonomous to say the same thing. That said, while I think that there is definitely something to be said by seeing the difference between conforming and complying that the recognition of the satanic nature of the man-made systems of this world and the realization of a better and godly way of living automatically makes one an enemy of those systems of domination and control that exist in the world. I choose to make my combat open combat, to see my enemy face to face with full mutual recognition of our hostility. Others may choose to be more indirect as is their fashion. But to teach or practice God’s ways in this world is to make one’s self the enemies of the rulers of this age. There is no neutrality, after all. If we are obedient to God’s ways we will be hostile to those who have oppressed and abused His people, whoever and wherever they are.

      • Joe says:

        Autonomous in this reseaerch also supports autonomous learning as opposed to rote. Although I believe everything has its place, when I am referring to rote learning I say that we need it in the curriculuum but we need other forms of learning as well. Rote may be fine for learning and teaching one how to work within certain systems but too much will produce an autonmaton as someone who can be moulded to suit. Again this goes back to a person losing any recognition of one’s own personality and to lose sight of your personality would be devastating.

      • I think this present world often prefers automatons as they are easier to direct and control, less fussy about personal dignity, easier to bribe and motivate. Most companies and institutions seem uninterested in the higher results one gets from treating others as people with dignity in light of the higher costs in respect which many companies and institutions appear unwilling to pay. But for those who are, the results can be very dramatic.

      • Joe says:

        RE : “I think this present world often prefers automatons as they are easier to direct and control”

        We know that society prefers things predictable, however it is written that God’s people are a “peculiar” people. One cannot be seen as both peculiar and predictable. It dosen’t make any sense.

        RE : “I choose to make my combat open combat”

        New testament Christians are called to prayer, this is how we battle the enemy. We must rememebr to be passive in the flesh but hold a fire within the spirit.

        Are we not fighting spirits and demons and principalities in high dark places? These are not men of flesh we are batteling, they are disembidied spirits who have influenced the men and women of whom you speak, men and women who need your compassionate and tender encouragement and inspiration to recognize these demonic influences and to begin fithting their own personal battle with them.

        We can do nothing but pray for their salvation. It is what you said in one of your other blogs that we are to pray for our leaders and not show blatant disrespect for them and not to speak out badly about them. You said this

      • Indeed I did say that we must pray for our leaders and not blatantly disrespect them (and I have said that in several posts). And where did I say in my message that mankind was my enemy? Have you not read my thoughts on Satan’s house divided? You must not leap to conclusions.

      • Joe says:

        RE: “But to teach or practice God’s ways in this world is to make one’s self the enemies of the rulers of this age. There is no neutrality, after all. If we are obedient to God’s ways we will be hostile to those who have oppressed and abused His people, whoever and wherever they are.”

        Here it appears that you are prepared to take a physical stance against ruling authorities and yes men and women, and sounding like a zealot. Some babes in Christ could take this to mean a physical confrontation. We are called to pray that we remain humble and not become like “them” who play judge jury and exacutioner. God is our judge, we, are supposed to take care that one of “our” own does not get harmed. This is just my opinion from what I read that you wrote above and I felt to bring it to your attention. MGB

      • I can understand that–that is a fair point. I am not referring to flesh or blood (necessarily), but I can definitely see how it may be taken as such. It is my belief, though, that if one preaches the truth that one will make one’s self an enemy to those who support the status quo, and that we must not only teach people how to accommodate themselves to this present world’s evil systems, but how to overcome and transcend them as well. For how can we know anything but misery and suffering unless we choose another way to live that is in harmony with the truth of God’s word?

      • Joe says:

        RE: “teach people how to accommodate themselves to this present world’s evil systems, but how to overcome and transcend them as well.”

        We know that we cannot “teach” a person anything as the best we can do is inspire and later encourage change while we support them just enough for them to grow in their own strength and desire to seek for them selves the truth in all matters being they of religious concern secular concern. As they begin to grow and communicate with God in their own personal relationship of which we have no control, we are only standing as pillars who do not move but are always found in the same place and give support to the weary when the need something strong to lean on.

        A theory is not advice nor is it teaching a person something, It is simply announcing somthing that has been suspected as a result of inference based on prior theories and is communicated in the language of the day.

        Today we have mathamatics and science being touted as a “pure language” and something of a universal nature or element.

        Truth is always found in threes and so it is obvious that there is missing one element to understanding and that may be that humans are absurd sensation beings of implied essence and inference as stated in the theory of C=ea2.

        While humankind pursues and lends a great deal of time to mathematics and science, some if not most neglect the pure language of implied essence and inference collectively suplying us with the third element to complete understanding of God’s creation and intent.

        Perhaps we have been working backwards and the “pure language” mentioned in scripture is in fact our ability to honestly imply our intentions and our ability to infer meaning. This ability can only occure where there is a full inderstanding of how the five physical senses function and operate as a whole allowing or permitting us to become aware or to become cognizent of our immediate environment.

      • Mathematics is not pure language. It, like anything else, can and has been corrupted through sin, such that even in mathematics there are problems with either reductionism or polytheism. False religious beliefs and practices corrupt language, including the language of mathematics.

        What do you mean that truth is always found in threes? Not so–it can be found in twos (two trees), one (the oneness of God: Deuteronomy 6:4), four (the four seasons, four basic personality types), three, sevens (seven days of creation, seven holy days in a year), twelve (twelve tribes of Israel, twelve original disciples), and even numbers like 70 (70 nations in Genesis 11, including all the peoples of the world). We need not limit ourselves to triads to express truth–truth is wherever we find it.

        Additionally, we can teach others (in fact, it is necessary to guide others to truth for people to understand it–see Acts 8:21-22). This does not mean that teaching is like pouring the truth into an empty bucket with total passivity and receptiveness by the person or people being taught. Far from it–instead teaching is an active process where the learner has their part. But that part is more than merely to inspire, but also the more mundane task to instruct, to give knowledge and understanding. Indeed, the only way that we can learn apart from painful personal experience is through our ability to learn from the instruction of others. If we want to avoid pain and suffering (of which this world, and our lives, has enough of already) then we ought to learn from such wise instruction as we can find.

        Your question about pure language reveals some deeper questions. For one, we learn both from sense data and perception as well as from intuition. Neither is a pure language–both can be redeemed through God, but both are generally corrupted in their “natural” state as a result of thousands of years of practice in sin and wickedness. Before we can trust our perceptions or our intuitions we must be redeemed and purified from the corrupt world that now is, governed by the evil one and his minions.

      • Joe says:

        Note: Cognizant of our immediate envirnment as it is happening and not in terms of the past or the future. We cannot change our past and we cannot predict our future we can however find something to appreciate as it happens in the immediate.

      • Indeed, we cannot change our past, but changing our perception of the past allows us to gain a greater understanding of it in the larger context. Likewise, we cannot control our future, but it is in the hands of our Father in heaven, and we can at least gain some understanding and some vision about what is to come, and our place in it. Simply because it is not entirely within our control does not mean that we need to be entirely present or short-term oriented, without any forethought or strategy.

      • Joe says:

        I appreciate and thank you for your time and responses to my statements as I do realize this theory must be worked out by argument even if it shows up my ignorance of many things. However, if you look again, I did say that mathematics and science were being “touted” as being pure languages and universal. This does not mean that I believe it as it is something still disputed I am sure by your answer. It is something that I felt to use to continue my point being that it is an accepted claim by many people.

        In regards to truth found in “threes”, this is another matter and needs further explanation perhaps at another time. It can get a little deep and philosophical. I will fill in the gaps to you in a private email if you wish.

        As for “teaching” a person a thing there is something within all of us that is a sort of rebellion against being taught something (authority). When I talk to people about “teaching” their children, I always mention this and so inform them to try and find ways to teach their children without making it obvious that they are in fact being taught a lesson.

        I have done well I believe by using this approach with my own children of whom are grown with families of their own. My kids have mentioned to me many times how much they appreciate the fact that I never made them feel like they were being “taught” a lesson. I have always talked “with” my kids and I have never talked at them. Regardless of their age I have done this from the beginning and continue to do so today. It has worked vvery well with my kids and it works very well when I attempt to assist a person in finding relief from the “anxieties of life”.

        I do realize you are a theologian and I can ubnderstand and appreciate your first impressions and concerns are that which are directly asscociated with God and His plan. However in relation to turning people’s attention towards God, I cannot help but to believe that we must be discreet and cunning and to include compassion and empathy. Soetimes this requiers me even to keep secret my sincere beliefs until an appropriate time. At which time when I make known my true beliefs, the other person(s) ahve appreciated it greatly and have commented that they liked my way of ministering ti them or ‘”preaching” the good news in a way that allowed them to get past their first defence and not merely or quickly “send me on my way’.

        Again I want to thank you Nathan for chatting with me, you have a well of knowledge and information that I see many people appreciate.

      • I definitely think that different people have different approaches. I find that my own intellect (and my own use of language) tends to make my own intentions sufficiently cloudy to other people. What I say and think is confusing enough–adding indirection to the mix makes it just about impossible for other people to understand what I am getting after, and that includes those people that I want to communicate with. I figure I confuse those who are not willing to ask me what it is I really mean. Some people communicate simply and directly easily enough that they have to be discreet and indirect to avoid completely spilling the beans. Additionally, one speaks more openly to those one trusts than to those one does not.

        I am familiar with the idea of truths coming in threes largely in the context of the druidic triads. I feel somewhat ambivalent about promoting the idea of truth exclusively in threes because I find the triads (and a great deal of mystical thought in general) to be highly tinged by gnostic heresies, which I am personally very leery of. After all, it is not mere knowledge that justifies us, but the application and internalization of that knowledge into our lives. I happen to believe that the truth comes in many different forms, but that each of us is better equipped by personality and God-given abilities to both process and relate truth differently. The sort of systems view and cosmic scope that greatly interests me bores most people to tears, and the sort of truths that most people seem to really enjoy strike me as terribly shallow and cliched.

  9. Joe says:

    Note : We only fail when we decide to stay down and conclude that indeed we have failed.

    • I happen to agree with you when it comes down to the way we live our lives, but the failure I spoke of us more of an intellectual failure than a stumble. If we see God or truth the wrong way in our minds, we will not be able to come to truth, because our mental filters will block it, and because we will fight against it, so long as we pit the many and the one of God’s creation against each other instead of seeing how the many work for one will and one purpose, and how one will is accomplished through a diversity of talents and abilities and personalities, all obedient to one standard. We cannot succeed if we block ourselves from recognizing and responding to the truth.

      • Joe says:

        RE: “bores most people to tears”

        It is a very easy thing to say I am bored with this topic if I cannot understand it and this may be the case with what you are talking about. Many people would not admit (especially learned people) that they can’t understand a thing as it is the easiest way out so don’t let that bother or perplex you.

        RE: “promoting the idea of truth exclusively in threes because I find the triads (and a great deal of mystical thought in general) to be highly tinged by gnostic heresies”,

        I once met a man who told me that he found a piece of paper with something written on it that was the most profound, sincere, simple and straightforward bit of information and advice that he kept it for over twenty years and to this day he doesn’t know where it came from or who wrote it. He said that it changed his life and allowd him to become closer to God than he ever thought he could be.

        When he showed me the paper I noticed something in the wording that told me it was written by a muslim. I asked this man, “out of the three major religions, which did he hate the most”, and his reply was that he hated the Muslims most but almost equally that he was suspicious of the Jews and that he never really could understand enough to believe in Christianity.

        I gave him back his paper and said that I have absolutely no idea who could have wrote it or where the paper came from. Before I left he asked me if I would like a copy of it and I replied and said, “no thanks, its your gift”, I couldn’t understand it the way you do..

      • That is a very good story. I do believe that different messages and different approaches hit different people in different ways. So long as it conveys the same truth, I have no problems with it. I understand that some subjects interest others much greater than they interest me (for example, I have never quite understood the thrill of hunting or fishing) and I am sure the same is true the other way around (few people that I have met share my love of obscure world empires or debate about the 1931 Montevideo Convention). When a message hits us, it will do so for deeply personal reasons. Therefore the same message must be conveyed many different ways for it to be effective. And so it is.

  10. Joe says:

    What happened to me can no longer be ignored. Was it somrhing that can be explained as spontaneous recovery?

    Was it a miracle? Could it have really been because of the many years of research and study of the human condition?

    Did I trip over something that can help others to recover from mental illness and mental disorders?

    Are what many labeling mental illness and mental disorders really be emotional distress which can be managed and corrected with education and a change in selected behavior?

    Can what I have discovered be taught to another person? If the answer is yed then what kinds of impact will it have on the way we view, diagnose and treat mental emotional disorders.

    • Without theory, events (even miraculous ones) are only anecdotal evidence. It is the responsibility of human beings like ourselves to take the raw material of our lives and turn it into theory, understand how it works in a larger system, and then to wrestle what are the common elements to others and what are the specific facets of our unique lives.

  11. Joe says:

    I never intended to formulate a theory. The theory grew out of my personal fears for my own children’s emotional welfare and to find ways to inform them of the reasons for human cruelty. In my concern for them, I recovered from what is currently catagorized as “mental illness or “mental disoder”. This theory C=ea2 merely evolved as a result of what was at first a parents way to protect his children from the negative affects of human cruelty and indifference, and secondly it was discovered to have a positive affect on the parent only after many years of researching and studying as a hobby.

    Could this mean that others who experience the same or similar emotional distress having its first cause in physical emotional trauma/abuse recover from conducting a diligent search and a thorough investigation into the human condition beginning with their own?

    Immanuel Kant said that experience without theory is blind, and theory without experience is mere intilectual play.

    Could this mean that them who formulate a theory without ever having experienced such emotional and physical abuse are merely at play? If this is true then would it have severe implications to what we know about and view, diagnose, and treat emotional distress and alledged mental illness and mental disorders. What say you?

    • Those are deep questions and I have pondered them often myself. For one, and I speak from my own personal experience here, my own suffering has driven me to seek to understand what I have experienced and to make sense of it and come to terms with it. Out of the raw materials of my experiences I have sought to study and also sought to fill in the bigger picture. Your own story seems to be very similar in that your experiences led you to formulate a theory by which absurd events lead to rumination (and it is in rumination where we develop and refine models) and ultimately to acceptance and equilibrium, a bit sadder but wiser for the experience.

      Concerning your second question, I do not think it is necessary that a counselor suffer abuse themselves for them to be effective or even to develop effective theories. That said, I believe that to develop effective models they must have faced the darkness in those they have helped. After all, I believe that we can develop wisdom not only from the absurdity of our own lives, but the absurdity of the lives of others (that requires us to be sensitive to what others are going through, though). I strongly suspect that many people involved in mental health fields either are at play or they have not come far enough in their own road to acceptance and equilibrium to truly be of help to other people in suffering. That is my own judgment, though.

  12. Joe says:

    RE: “a bit sadder but wiser for the experience”

    If you are referring here to me, I must tell you that in no way am I sadder from my own experience as a researcher and theorist. This work has allowed me to appreciate the most insignificant details of this life to such a degree that I can for a certainty report feeling bliss while I remain productive and responsible to my myself and to others.

    In terms of brain states I would have to say that i live in the perpetual state of Theta while simultaneously am quite aware and alert to all of what is around me at all times. It quite an extraordinary way to live and view a life. I have energy plus, entusiasm for my life and the lives of others around me and even strangers that I meet in public.

    This “change” in my life can only be decsribed as, profound and radical. All the while I am not in any way hypersocial nor do I experience rapid mood changes unless of course the situation calls for them as woul;d be normal reactions of any person.

    If it is you that you are referring to then I would suggest that you look deeper into your own heart and re=think “forgiveness” and what it means to you on the emotional and molecular level as it is referenced in C=ea2. You can find the research here at : http://pohn.wetpaint.com/page/Natural+Healing

    • I’m afraid I’m not familiar what “theta” brain states involve, nor would I label my brain state at all without far better knowledge of what brain waves look like than I possess at the present time. Manic states, after all, are as troubling as depressive states in their own way. I was not talking about you as sadder but wiser for the experience. I was talking about those who learn about suffering through the eyes of others. Many people have improperly naive views about life and human nature, and to see the nature of suffering as it exists for people is deeply disillusioning, making them sadder but wiser. For those who have borne a heavy burden their whole lives, discovering a way to overcome their suffering does not make them sadder at all–rather it gives them a bit (or more) of euphoria to finally figure out an escape from the trap of endless melancholy reflection.

  13. Joe says:

    Humans move through the three brain states of Beta, Alpha and Theta constantly as they move about during the day. Depending on what state they are at when trying to sleep will be discisive and determine the quality of sleep they achieve. The fourth brain state is Delta and is experienced when we are unconscious as when we experience R.E.M. sleep or deep sleep.

    The state of unconsciousness or R.E.M. is where all physical healing occurs at the molecular level as we are not conscious of the “anxieties of life”. We also heal emotionally in this state for the same reasons of being unconscious.

    With understanding of this theory one learns how to intentionally produce the brain state of Theta which is the most relaxing state next to Delta which again is deep sleep or unconsciousness. There are many for sale techniques and gadgets sold online everywhere but the true workings of these brain states can like many other human capabilities are inherent and one only needs to learn how to tap into them. This does not cost a penny as it is a natural endowment which only needs to be recognized as such.

    The Four Brain States

    Researcher Melinda Maxfield, studying the Shamanic State of Consciousness, found that the steady rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one half times per second was the key to transporting a shaman into the deepest part of his shamanic state of consciousness.

    It is no coincidence that 4.5 beats, or cycles, per second corresponds to the trance-like state of theta brain wave activity. In direct correlation, we see similar effects brought on by the constant and rhythmic drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and even other listeners into realms of blissful meditation.

    You have your very own signature brain wave activity, unique to you. It has a rhythm and pattern – and it incorporates Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies at varying levels over the course of a day as your brain modulates them to match your activities.



    You are wide-awake, alert. Your mind is sharp, focused. It makes connections quickly, easily and you’re primed to do work that requires your full attention. In the Beta state, neurons fire abundantly, in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind. Beta training is one of the frequencies that biofeedback therapists use to treat Attention Deficit Disorder.

    Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The Beta state is associated with peak concentration, heightened alertness, hand eye coordination and visual acuity.



    When you are truly relaxed, your brain activity slows from the rapid patterns of Beta into the more gentle waves of Alpha. Your awareness expands. Fresh creative energy begins to flow. Fears vanish. You experience a liberating sense of peace and well-being.

    Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep relaxation, but not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness – it is the gateway, the entry point that leads into deeper states of consciousness. Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as the Schuman Resonance – the resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field.


    Going deeper into relaxation, you enter the elusive and mysterious Theta state where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. Theta is the brain state where magic happens in the crucible of your own neurological activity. Theta brings forward heightened receptivity, flashes of dreamlike imagery, inspiration, and your long-forgotten memories. Theta can bring you deep states of meditation. A sensation of “floating.”

    Theta rests directly on the threshold of your subconscious. In biofeedback, it is most commonly associated with the deepest levels of meditation. Theta also plays an important part in behavior modification programs and has been used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.

    Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary realms we can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we rise up out of the depths of delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep. In Theta, we are in a waking dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind’s eye and we are receptive to information beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and other extrasensory perception skills.


    Detached Awareness

    Long, slow, undulating. Delta is the slowest of all four brain wave frequencies. Most commonly associated with deep sleep, certain frequencies in the Delta range also trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone so beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep – deep restorative sleep – the kind that Delta frequencies help induce is so essential to the healing process.

    Delta is the brain wave signal of the subconscious, the seat from which intuition arises:


    • I see. One would do well to be careful about such matters, though, especially if one wanted to be clear about the difference between daydreams and reality. It would seem to me as if putting yourself intentionally and regularly into a state of heightened suggestibility may be dangerous, or at least risky. Given that there are four brain states (I am more familiar with alpha, beta, and delta), there is a time and a place for all four, when they are kept properly in balance.

  14. Joe says:

    I agree with what you are saying, however if we are to grow to appreciate all that we have been endowed with and have bestowed upon us as a spicies, it would be imparative that we learn about who and what we are to avoid being decieved.

    With the proper technology in place, it would be possible to send out such frequency waves to produce mass hysteria or the feeling of bliss among a great portion of the world.

    Where a person has knowledge of how this could happen and is one who can put two and two together. This one would be able to recignize if there were no real physical cause for feeling such a way that might be promoted as something magical produced by a certain person, entity, or organisation etc….

    There are people who can convince us that we are feeling something without us being aware of the fact of there not being any real cause for it??????

    With understanding of things like this we can learn how to gain control over our emotions as opposed to our emotions controlling us. This ability causes one to reflect for a moment without reacting too quickly to something that may have been designed to cause one to stumble and lose a foot-hold.

    Whether it be a foot-hold on something physical or a foot-hold on what is really happening at the moment.

    The part about intentionally creating the state of Theta would be benifical to chronically depressed people. In any event there is more to this than just creating a sense or state of bliss for one’s own well-being. It is about understanding what God has bestpwed upon us and how we are to use it for our well-being, spirituality, or however one may choose to describe the essence of God in our lives. Again not to mention if one learns certain things about how one percieves his/her environment in relation to physical sensations and their causes, it would be that much more difficult for such a person to be easily decieved. We know there are no laws that protect the gullable from treacherous people of no regard.

    If someone placed an ad that said “send me two dollars and I will tell you the meaning of life”, and then sent something of a personal opinion, as ridiculous as it may be, they have done what they agreed to and someone else was gullible enough and have fell for it. No harm , no foul.

    • Yes, I am aware that the technology could very easily exist that would allow people’s brain waves to be manipulated by outside sources–something I consider to be very problematic. But to say that the way we feel can be influenced or manipulated by outside sources is not the same as saying it has no rational basis. We cannot be too reductionistic in our thinking–our states of feeling can come from multiple sources, some of them very deep, some of them very shallow, some of them not internal at all. We must therefore distinguish between the various causes of our emotional states, rather than act as if they are entirely without a rational basis.

      And to pass off a personal opinion as the meaning of life would be fraud, and therefore it would be a foul. To lie to someone else is a foul. There are no ‘victimless crimes’ and someone being gullible enough to accept such an offer would not deserve to be lied to. Even if one could escape conviction from mankind, one would still have to answer to a higher judge who cannot lie and who absolutely abhors the way of wickedness. If we are in the truth business, we should be willing to give away the truth, if necessary. What makes life hard is not the knowing what as much as it is the knowing why and the knowing how. That knowledge is priceless, and often highly individual in nature.

  15. Joe says:

    My point in regards to a fraudulent promotion is that as far as I know there is no law against taking money from the gullable. It happens eveyday as I am sure you are all too aware of.

    RE: “We must therefore distinguish between the various causes of our emotional states, rather than act as if they are entirely without a rational basis”.

    My point exactly when I state that it is common understanding that much of this generation have a dimminished ability to infer. With a dimminished ability to infer it would be relatively easy to have the “wool pulled over your eyes” so to speak. This is the same as being decieved is it not?

    As I have mentioned many times, with a full understanding of this theory a person would stand a better chance of defending one’s self from such preditors who wish to do them harm or to take something from them.

    • To take advantage of the foolish is against God’s law, which is a higher standard than any of man’s laws. Even in man’s laws the taking of money from the gullible is often prosecuted as fraud. I do not believe my generation (I speak as a young person) has any less capacity to infer than do other generations. However, I believe that many young people are not taught to make correct inferences, because to develop the capacity to infer in today’s world is highly dangerous. (Ever read Shakespeare’s Pericles? It’s rather like that.)

      I would agree that having a firm basis in knowledge would be the best way of having the wool pulled over your eyes. But it would require more than theoretical knowledge, but also how to apply it to yourself, given your own strengths and weaknesses. It is my concern that a technique applied skillfully but without knowledge of the bigger picture could do much harm. What is safe for the wise is often far too dangerous for the unwise, and many more people are unwise than wise. Therefore the wise often show far more restraint than is necessary for themselves so as to set a positive example to others.

  16. Joe says:

    RE : “to develop the capacity to infer in today’s world is highly dangerous. (Ever read Shakespeare’s Pericles? It’s rather like that.)”

    It seems to be hinted that Satan was the one who led the worship of the universe. If so, he tried to direct to himself what properly belonged to God. This is a danger with all priests and ministers.

    In reply to wisdom and knowledge. Aren’t we encouraged in scripture to seek knowledge and wisdom and to encourage each other to do the same?

    I would like if you wouldn’t mind expalining to me briefly what the danger is of developing the capacity to infer in today’s world.

    I feel to remind you that the main focus of this research and subsequent theory is to assist people and especially young people in ways to eliminate imagined fears, phobias, and debilitating anxiety. All of this of course has to do also with finding natural ways to treat the ones who suffer with chronic depression and the like. And to help eliminate the “stigma” attached to “mental illness” while being an advocate for the reduction in use of adverse medication.

    For one to keep banging away at the metaphysical, religious element of this work may just be adding confusion to what is actually a simple realization of our humanity and something of a reminder that we are not as helpless as some may want to encourage in us.

    I have often noticed and have said to countless people that it appears as thiough this research serves as somwehat of a reminder of things already known by all people, and that it has a way of appealing to a person’s “common sense” of which some would argue and poit out has been lost to us in many ways.

    This is not a complex and dense theory as it may at first appear. The only real problem is that i admitedly so have not the intellectual prowess to clearly explain the underpinnings. If that is a good enough explaination. I am not ashamed to ask for outside help and collaboration of this work if indeed anyone feels the same as me. Otherwise I will go back to the wood pile and continue to build houses and let the person of higher learning develop more adverse medications from which we all can become addicted to.

    • It is the metaphysical and theological elements of any theory that give it its depth. Naturally, such elements are the most confusing and difficult to manage. The issue i have been discussing with you concerning meditation techniques is an analogue to the issue of eating (clean) meats that had been offered to idols in cities like Rome (see Romans 14) and Corinth (see 1 Corinthians 8). Paul, being charitable, avoided actions that would offend the delicate consciences of his new converts, going above and beyond a mere concern for truth. It is my thought that as an approach it would be best to first point out freedom from satanic deception (as well as whatever waves he sends out) before discussing specific techniques of natural healing: first general, then specific; first story, then theory, then practice.

  17. Joe says:

    As I mentioned many times I have to struggle to understand completely, however, from this reply I believe that you are saying that I should point out more of the metaphysical and theological elements of this theory and then concern myself with what follows.
    I see the Carpenter’s rule as something of metaphysical and theological importance as it states the rule to be “true” or “that which is true”. Without meaning to sound like a conspiracy theorist of which I try to avoid when possible. Certain organizations, it has been reported have been confusing the truth on purpose and of intentionally covering up the truth of many concerns.
    The Carpenter’s rule is my primer of theory and this is why I stick to seeking only that which true and in relation to the five physical senses. I have reason to believe that the men who were inspired to write down their thoughts concerning the intent and purpose or plan of God had a rule from which they would consider at all times and this “rule of thumb” was to stay connected to only what humankind can perceive as concrete and measurable.
    They wrote metaphorically and in analogy as much as they could for the reason of making people “think” for themselves to fill in the gaps with logic and common sense by “neccessary inference”. We can only fill in the gaps with logic and common sense if we are equipped with a strong ability to infer.
    Those who dwell in dark places and who do not come out into the light cannot infer because they become confused when the truth is spoken and they get frustrated and angry and this will show them up to be not of the kind who are not afraid of the light.
    The Carpenter’s rule when pressed on a person can have a very disturbing affect on the ones who hide the truth or confuse that which is true with relativism.
    Among other things, metaphysics and theology are not my specialty and so this I leave to them who have the courage to press the issue. My concern as I mentioned is to help people to first heal emotionally and in this way and only if it is God’s will, they may find the Lord after they are able to see that which is true and not imagine a thing based on fear, suspicion, or superstition.
    To be honest with you I sometimes don’t make any sense to myself when I try to convey my thoughts. I only know one thing and that is I am sincere in my discourse and in my pursuit for the truth to all matters. This is not easy for me and if I were a different person, I most likely could become very embarrassed, however there is something that drives me and until it stops, I will continue to discuss this theory as many people believe it to be a good thing.

    • I know for myself that I help myself to understand something through attempting to explain it. Much of my writing is an attempt to gather my thoughts or gauge my feelings through talking about them. Since it is far easier for me to express myself through writing than through speech I write often and a lot. I do not necessarily see the theory and the metaphysics as the same. For example, an explanation of the carpenter’s rule would be an obvious subject for an Appendix as that is a foundation for you. What I mean by theory in your case is the structure of bio-psychodynamics, and the process by which people deal with life’s absurdities.

  18. RE : “The Bible is very strict on providing the death penalty for crimes such as kidnapping, rape, and incest. For example, Exodus 21:16 tells us: “He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death.” Likewise, Leviticus 18 describes in vivid detail the boundaries of incest that are forbidden for godly people to cross—including half-siblings, nephews and nieces, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. This chapter (and plenty of others) also condemn with the death penalty the practice of homosexual sex, and this passage also gives the death penalty to bestiality.”

    I have been discussing this bit with a few people and a question has come up and is:

    Where does this reach in terms of a person who was abused physically and or emotionally and goes on to commit a crime equivilent? Where is justice served or however one chooses to describe as treating such an issue? Is one also deserving of such harsh judgement as the death penalty?

    • The short answer is yes–the crime is worthy of death. The longer answer is that if the original crime had been properly and speedily punished and those responsible for providing care and counseling (families, congregations, communities etc,) had done their jobs properly, such second order crimes need never take place. The aim is prevention of the continuing of the cycle and care for those who are survivors of abuse.

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